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Camp Lake Tomahawk 100 Year Celebration:

Bike and Trail Notice

Lake Tom Link Walking/Biking Trail

The town of Lake Tomahawk, with the support of the Oneida County Walking and Biking Trails Council (OCWBTC), now has a 1.7 mile hiking and biking trail starting at the heart of town. The trail begins at the kiosk in the town parking lot and extends north to Gritzmachen Road on the railbed.  An improved surface allows for safe and stable off road recreation that links up to the paved Clear Lake Trail in Woodruff at Tomahawk Road. The Clear Lake Trail offers 5.5 miles of beautiful forested trail that ends at Hwy J in Woodruff.

Currently the trail shares a multi-use part of railbed with ATV/UTV users for .3 miles beyond Gritzmachen.  The DNR is planning to extend the paved Clear Lake Trail this year so that the shared use portion is even less.  The trail surface supports snowmobile usage in the winter.

Maps, suggested area bike rides, a bike repair station,  and a Free Little Library are located at the kiosk behind the Lake Tomahawk Information Booth. 

Ways to support our trail:

  • Enjoy the trail and tell your friends!
  • Pick up any debris on the trail, both natural and left by users. 
  • Offer to be a volunteer with those who care for the trail.
  • Donate money for maintenance.

Click here to see the pictures!📸